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A fan of the site sent us arrangements for all four instruments for this song.

Guitar Pro 5 Tablature
MIDI Export
PDF Export
Backing Track

Thanks to syntonic.C! I love getting stuff like this.

Hello Paul,

I watched Mesozoic Mind once in class many years ago, probably around '94. I vaguely remembered the video much later but was never able to find it. Turns out a good friend of mine had kept the tape and still watches it every now and then. His two favorite things in this world are 80's music and dinosaurs which is why he still plays the song in his car even though he's well out of college!

When he left for the Navy last April, my friends and I decided to throw him a surprise party. I thought it would be a great idea if all of us learned the song and played it for him so I transcribed everything and put together a backing track for the song. He was very happy with it and it was a great going-away gift for him.

I have attached the following items:
- Guitar Pro 5 tablature: Contains all instruments except vocals. You need the software to view this tab but it is quite a popular product among guitarists these days so I'm sure many people can use it. This tab includes the solos as well.
- MIDI export of the Guitar Pro 5 tab
- PDF export of the Guitar Pro 5 tab
- Backing track: I created this for my friends to play along with. We had 2 guitarists and 6 vocalists... so I had to use some sound samples to create the other instruments.

Please feel free to put any of these on your website. You can credit me by e-mail and just refer to me by "SN" or "syntonic.C", your choice.

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based on the children’s video “Dinosaurs! A Fun-Filled Trip Back in Time!” and "Dinosaur" © Will Vinton/Pyramid Films 1987, 1980 Website and Design © 2003-2012 Paul Martin