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based on the children’s video “Dinosaurs! A Fun-Filled Trip Back in Time!” and "Dinosaur" © Will Vinton/Pyramid Films 1987, 1980 Website and Design © 2003-2012 Paul Martin
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Cover Songs Wanted
Are you a musician? Do you have a band? If you record a cover of the song "Mesozoic Mind," we've just added a new section all for you! We'll post the song and links to your band's website, myspace and any other social network that you may be a part of! Mesozoic Mind Cover Songs
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Are you in a band? Want some free publicity? Record your own cover of the song "Mesozoic Mind." We'll list it here for download, with a link to your band's website or myspace (or purevolume... whatever it is, we'll put it!). You can even make your own remix of the song. As long as it's a good one, we'd love to have it!
One big thing is: no swearing. This is a family oriented website, and we want serious covers only.
Latest Covers
February 22, 2014
Mesozoic Mind cover by Kenneth Hudson Jr. It's been a long time coming, but we just got another cover of the song, this time by Kenneth Hudson Jr. He's synched the cover up to the video itself, so check it out!
Mesozoic Mind by Kenneth Hudson
June 18, 2012
Mesozoic Mind by Plushgun - Just got an e-mail from the band Plushgun. They've created a cover of the song that is both unique and energetic.
Find Plushgun online:, Twitter, Facebook and Myspace
November 16, 2010
First Mesozoic Mind Cover/Remixes I decided to search, on a whim, for a cover of Mesozoic Mind, and there was one! I found 2! One is by "Cybarflint" and the other is a remix that uses samples, by i2. Listen to Cybarflint sing part of the song, and listen to the remix.
Mesozoic Mind cover by Kenneth Hudson Jr. It's been a long time coming, but we just got another cover of the song, this time by Kenneth Hudson Jr. He's synched the cover up to the video itself, so check it out!
Mesozoic Mind by Kenneth Hudson
June 18, 2012
Mesozoic Mind by Plushgun - Just got an e-mail from the band Plushgun. They've created a cover of the song that is both unique and energetic.
Find Plushgun online:, Twitter, Facebook and Myspace
November 16, 2010
First Mesozoic Mind Cover/Remixes I decided to search, on a whim, for a cover of Mesozoic Mind, and there was one! I found 2! One is by "Cybarflint" and the other is a remix that uses samples, by i2. Listen to Cybarflint sing part of the song, and listen to the remix.