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based on the children’s video “Dinosaurs! A Fun-Filled Trip Back in Time!” and "Dinosaur" © Will Vinton/Pyramid Films 1987, 1980 Website and Design © 2003-2012 Paul Martin
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Enter a vivid prehistoric world, entirely formed from brightly colored clay, for an introduction to dinosaurs, the "terrible lizards" who roamed the earth 200 million years ago. Your guide is a precocious fifth-grader who earns the respect of his unruly classmates with his knowledge of prehistory. His report comes to life as he introduces us to some of the most awesome creatures to ever walk on planet earth, culminating in a terrifying encounter with Tyrannosaurus Rex, the king of dinosaurs.
* Will Vinton Productions, Pyramid Films.
* Characters: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Other Dinosaurs, Fifth-Grader, Classmates.
* Vocal Talent: Michelle Mariana.
* Produced By Will Vinton, Dick Baka, Jim Bousa.
* Executive Producer: David Adams.
* Animated By Joan C. Gratz, Barry Bruce, Don Merkt, Matt Wuerker.
* Written By Susan Shadburne, Virginia Theimer Clapper.
* Edited By Suzanne Rosen.
* Music By Charmer. Lyrics by Virginia Theimer Clapper.
* Production Design: Barry Bruce, Ray Cioni, Don Merkt.
* Production Manager: Rick Cooper.
* Story Consultant: Ron Roberts.
* Cinematography: Rich Ball, Charles Peich.
* Sound Editor: Michelle Landes.
* Special Effects: Cioni Artworks.
* Story Consultant: Donald Roberts.
* Awards: Gold Hugo, Chicago International Film Festival, 1980. Gold Award, Houston International Film Festival, 1980.
* Originally Released in 1980 (Estimate).
* Originally Released Theatrically.
* Running Time: 13 minutes.
* Color
* U.S.A.
Things you'll find on this site include: Images from the song's music video, and more coming soon. The song's lyrics, which, if you are here, you probably know most of them. An mp3 of the song. The music video. Interactive forums to get in touch with me and other fans of Mesozoic Mind, and other 80's stuff. Links to other awesome sites about 80's stuff, toons, and more. A store featuring items that are related to this video, including used copies of the video.